01/01 : Olds
01/12 : Tree, sunset
01/21 : I like my sugar with coffee and cream
02/01 : The place where we buy blank shirts
0305 : Cincinnati
Transit Map test felt
(you see a little Make
It Work on the flipside seeping through)
03/07 : Human alphabet. Note the 'M' and 'V'
03/29 : Not my photo (here's the original), but I was having an online conversation about Moo cards.
04/02 : Cross, mobile phone tower
04/05 : A Google Map - Where I grew up.
04/06 : (just a little) Snow in April!
04/06 : I swear, it really seemed snowier
04/11 : I've been snapping semis on the road. They usually
have great identities, but the
shiny NEW logorot is creeping in. Expect more shots of this ilk illustrating
this point.
04/13 : Hamilton, OH
04/15 : Weaver Chapel pews. Another year for the Gabrieli Festival.
04/15 : Van at Wittenberg U
That's it.